Chair Title Planning Responsibilities Event Day Responsibilities Supporting Chairs/Board Members I’m Interested
Bake Sale Coordinator Create sign-up for donations
Send reminders for sign-ups
Request additional donations until all slots are filled
Create signs for baked items (prices/dietary-specific items)
Set up tables
Display signs
Manage bake sale volunteers
Manage change (cash) with treasurer
Print Coordinator (signs)
Marketing Coordinator (FB posts)
Food Vendor Coordinator Contact food vendor/negotiate per plate pricing
Determine allergy-friendly options
Establish a timeline for sales
Set up food service tables
Meet with food vendor
Manage food server volunteers
President (to approve pricing)
Ticket Sale Coordinator Coordinate a schedule for food delivery/set-up
Manage deposit payment to food vendor
Manage final payment to food vendor Marketing Coordinator (FB posts for ticket sale dates)
Drink Donation Coordinator Create sign-up for drink donations
Set up drop-off times/locations
Send reminders for sign-ups
Request additional donations until all slots are filled
Create signs for drink prices
Manage drink drop-offs (receive donations and move to storage)
Set up tables
Fill coolers
Manage drink server volunteers
Manage change (cash) with treasurer
Marketing Coordinator (FB posts)
Print Coordinator (signs)
Logistics Coordinator Create MAT routes
Create MAT packets for leaders/escorts on each route
Get permits from appropriate departments
Get sign permits from City of Cedar Park
Schedule fire department and police escorts
Meet with fire department and police escorts
Distribute MAT packets
Present plaques at courtyard concert
Marketing Coordinator Create FB/Insta posts for all MAT events (all volunteer requests, food vendor announcement, deadlines, ticket sales, concert sales, route announcement, additional requests, etc.)
Send emails to distribution list
Sue Borenstein?
Print Coordinator
Print Coordinator Create signage/flyers for MAT events
Place signs at concert locations and at school
Create thank you plaques for escorts and food vendor
Volunteer Coordinator Create sign-ups for:
- food server volunteers
- food sale volunteers
- route volunteers
Send reminders and job descriptions to volunteers
Manage volunteers (check-in and direct to station)
Manage change (cash) with treasurer for on-site food sales
Marketing Coordinator (FB posts)
Concert Sale Coordinator Determine routes and number of concerts per route
Set up sales interface
Track sales daily
Send out reminders to encourage sales
Logistics Coordinator
Marketing Coordinator
Ticket Sales Coordinator Set up ticket sales interface
Track sales daily
Work with Food Vendor Coordinator and Marketing Coordinator to encourage sales
Blitz Route Coordinator Determine routes
Organize routes (assign parent volunteers to their student)
Work with directors to assign groups
Create packets for each blitz group
Courtney Murati?
Blitz Marketing Coordinator Advertise blitz on social platforms and email
Blitz Volunteer Coordinator Create sign-up for parent drivers
Send reminders and job descriptions to volunteers
Check volunteers in and distribute routes to parent volunteers