'24-25 Band


This page outlines the registration process for new & returning members of the CPHS Timberwolf Band. Please note, if you have more than one student, this process will need to be completed for each student.

Let’s get started!

Is your student a new member or returning member?

New CPHS Band Members

Welcome! We are SO excited to have your student and family join the CPHS Timberwolf Band legacy! We understand that band registration can be a little overwhelming. Have no fear, we’re here to help. To help make registration a breeze, we’ve outlined the important steps below.

Step 1

Before May 18 - Complete the Pre-Registration Form

Please complete this quick, online form so we can get your family’s information in our systems.

Step 2

Before May 21 - Print & Complete the Following Forms

You will need to print out and complete the following forms (one for each participating student). Then bring them with you to registration.

Step 3

May 21 - Join Us @ the CPHS Cafeteria

Registration for new members will happen at the CPHS Band Hall on May, 21st. Here you will experience the following:

1 - Uniform Review & Sizing

See what attire & equipment (shirts, shoes, shorts, juguzzis, color guard items, etc) are required for your student, find the right sizes, and determine if you want to purchase any extras.

2 - Learn about Volunteering Opportunities
Get in on the action and be hands-on in helping sustain the CPHS Band legacy. Members from each volunteer group will be on hand to unpack the details and answer any questions.

3 - Turn in Required Forms
Bring your medical release & dietary restriction forms with you. Both forms will be collected during the process and are very important as your student will not be able to participate without them.

And lastly…

Step 4

Calculate Band Fees & Checkout

The last part of in-person registration will be calculating your registration fees and checking out. Total band fees (with all required items) are typically the following. Some variation may apply.

  • Color Guard - $1475

  • Percussion / Battery - $892

  • Wind Players (woodwind & brass) - $842

PLEASE NOTE: Additional fees may apply if your student decides to buy extra supplies during the checkout process. Please wait to write any checks to be safe.

You can pay 3 ways:

  • Credit Card - no discount.

  • Cash/Check - save $15 when you pay in full. Checks should be made out to “CPHS Band Boosters.”

  • Payment Plan - You will be required to pay the first installment at registration. Checks, cash, or credit are accepted.

    • For Wind/Percussion - 1/4 of the total will be due at registration.

    • For Color Guard - 1/6 of the total will be due at registration.

Step 5

Buy New Timberwolf Band merch!

The Band Spirit Store will be open during registration and include all of the best Timberwolf Band attire & accessories. You can also buy merch online beforehand! Merch supplies run out fast, so get ‘em while you can!!

Step 6

Start Planning to Get Your Physical

A completed LISD Physical form is required before your student can participate in summer band. Summer flies by and it can be hard to get in with doctors at the last minute, so plan accordingly and get it knocked out now! This needs to be turned in to the band directors before summer band.

Step 7

All done!

That wasn’t so hard now, was it?
Thanks for being awesome. Go Band!

- If you want to see what’s in store, check out the Legacy of Success page. We’re going to have so much fun!

P.S.S. - Still have questions about what’s in store? Check out the FAQs section of the website.

P.S.S.S. - Let’s goooooooo!!!!

Returning CPHS Band Members

Ready for another amazing year of moving & inspiring? Us too! Below you will find the upcoming registration dates, requirements, and process. Please read the instructions closely.

Step 1

May 10th & May 15th - Uniform Check

To prepare for official registration, your student should have brought all required band gear with them to school on Friday, May 10th or Wednesday, May 15th. This includes shirts, shorts, Vipers, water jug, juguzzi, flip folders, color guard accessories/equipment, etc. - full equipment check.

Any gear that needs to be purchased/replaced will be documented and provided to you so you’ll know what gear will need to be purchased during online registration (see next step).

Step 2

Before May 15th - Complete the Pre-Registration Form

Please complete this quick, online form so we can get your family’s information in our systems.

Step 3

May 12 to May 20 - Complete Online Registration

1 - Complete the Online Registration Form

We’ve consolidated the majority of the registration process into one online form to help streamline the in-person registration process on May 22. You should have received a form from the Uniform officer informing you on what missing/needed band gear should be purchased during online registration.

  • If you did not receive an email, you can check here to see what items are missing/damaged.

  • If your student could not make the in-class uniform check on May 10 or 15th - do not fill this form out. You’ll need to bring everything & register in person on May 22.

    If you do know what items your student needs, please click the green button below. You’ll need to complete this form for each returning member participating in CPHS Band/Color Guard program.

2 - Print & Complete the Medical Release Form

Prior to May 22nd, you will also need to print & sign the following medical release form for each student participating in CPHS Band/Color Guard. You will need to bring this in with you on May 22.

Step 4

May 22nd - Join Us @ the CPHS Band Hall

Join us in the CPHS Cafeteria to complete the following:

  1. Turn in Your Medical Release Form
    You should have the form linked above printed out and signed for each participating student.

  2. Pay your annual band registration fees
    The total due for each student will be sent to you after you have completed the online Band Registration form. You can pay 3 ways:

    • Credit Card - no discount.

      • Please note - If you elect to pay via credit card you will be taken to a PayPal page afterwards. You can ignore this.

    • Cash/Check - save $15 when you pay in full. Checks should be made out to “CPHS Band Boosters.”

    • Payment Plan - the first 1/4 installment will be due at registration.

      PLEASE NOTE: If you elect to pay via credit card you will be taken to a PayPal page afterwards. You can ignore this.

  3. Buy MORE Timberwolf Band merch!
    The Band Spirit Store will be open with the newest band merch because you can never have enough!! You can also buy merch online beforehand too as merch supplies run out fast, so get ‘em while you can!!

Step 5

Start Planning to Get Your Physical

A completed LISD Physical form is required before your student can participate in summer band. Summer flies by and it can be hard to get in with doctors at the last minute, so plan accordingly and get it knocked out now! This needs to be turned in to the band directors before summer band.

Step 6

All done!

Thanks for being awesome. Go Band!